Historical Martial Arts Website Privacy Policy
The Foundation for Historical Martial Arts would like to inform that when using the portal www.historycznesztuki.pl, on the end user device such as: computer, phone, tablet, cookies are recorded (pursuant to Art. 173 of the Telecommunications Act of 16 July 2004, Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1907, as amended).
“Cookies” are small-scale text files sent by the Internet website to the user. These files allow the website to recognize the device that the user applies and therefore the website content is in accordance with the parameters of the device which is used.
When visiting the website www.historycznesztukiwalki.pl, cookies may be saved on the User’s end device to:
- adjust and optimize the content of the website to the User’s preferences,
- collect and analyze anonymous statistical data in order to learn about the User’s use of the website and to improve its structure and content.
The Foundation for Historical Martial Arts informs that the software used for browsing websites allows cookies to be saved on the User’s device by default.
The user may at any time change the browser settings in the range of “cookies”, independently setting the conditions for their record and storage. You should take into account the possibility of lowering the quality of functionality provided by the portal www.historycznesztukiwalki.pl as a result of changing the default settings for saving “cookies”.
The Foundation for Historical Martial Arts is not responsible for third parties privacy policies to which the User has been redirected from the website www.historycznesztukiwalki.pl.