On 28 and 29 May 2022, the 12th edition of ŚKUNKS will take place in Rybnik. As always, the organiser of the event is the Association of Historical European Martial Arts “Vectir”.
After a two year’s break caused by the pandemic situation, Śląskie Konfrontacje Utraconych Nauk Kunsztu Szermierczego (Silesian Confrontations of Lost Fencing Arts) makes a comeback on the HEMA scene! The last edition took place in 2019.
The event will kick off with a workshop led by Rafał Kalus from Akademia Szermierzy, based on the teachings of the Italian Master Fiore dei Liberi.
The second block of seminars has been prepared by the instructors from the Vectir Association. It will give a great opportunity to hone own skills and learn something new about the dagger, sickle, and dussack.
During this year’s edition, Artur Jurczyk, the President of the Vectir Association, will deliver a special lecture.
ŚKUNKS offers its participants four tournament categories: cutting, sabre, cutlass, and dagger.
Detailed information is available on the event’s profile.